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  • Amazonite (orthoclase feldspar) Beaded Bracelet

Amazonite (orthoclase feldspar) Beaded Bracelet

PriceFrom AU$8.95
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Amazonite Bead: 6mm, 8mm, 10mm

Flower Amazonie Bead: 6mm, 8mm

*Flower amazonite is a semi-opaque stone loved for its widely varying blue-green colour and include browns and even cream colours.



A stone of strength and adventure, truth, communication & morals. Soothes feelings of tension, fear and worry.


An important stone for those that rely on communication for their job. Amazonite can awaken you to your own courage, to be a brave and fearless truth teller while communicating with others. Pave your own path to success and align with who you’re meant to be, keeping in mind the balance between work and rest.


A great energy filter for geopathic stress and electromagnetic pollution emitted from computers, microwaves or cell phones.


If your mind is polluted with toxic negativity, clean it up with Amazonite. Often, pain that we experienced in our past creates energy blocks in our present. This can manifest into a difficulty expressing yourself in relationships, or into creative slumps. By flooding your Heart and Throat Chakras with loving energy, Amazonite opens you up to release that which has hurt you so you can better express yourself in every area of life.


Meditating with Amazonite can bring the subtle bodies into alignment, and help to open one's subconscious to subtle messages from the higher realms.


There’s an abundant level of love and healing energy in Amazonite that can help to break cycles of negative thoughts you might be experiencing, living the same mistakes over and over and releases trauma. In especially pronounced cases, Amazonite can even help to expose and break through karmic patterns held over from prior incarnations and lifetimes.


Use Amazonite on the Heart Chakra and Throat Chakras to enhance loving expression, or with the Third Eye Chakra to open intuition.

  • Communication-Inspire-Love & Heart Healing-Strength-Positivity-Healing-Confidence-Creativity  

    Primary Chakras: Heart  

    Secondary Chakras: Throat 

  • Amazonite is an attractive opaque stone. Even with the solid colour content, the colour pattern is typically erratic.

    Due to the presence of lead it is either a blue-green, or blue and white striped colour. The colour pattern tends to be irregular even with the solid colour material.


    Amazonite can occur in different colours such as yellow, pink, red, and grey, however it is the blue green that is most popular and widely used.


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