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Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians are credited among the first humans to harness the many capabilities of essential oils. These ancient peoples developed the techniques still used today to extract essential oils from their natural plant habitats via distillation and pressing. They used essential oils for their healing and medicinal properties, cosmetic purposes, and spiritual meditation and relaxation. Although essential oils have existed for centuries, the term aromatherapy was first introduced less than 100 years ago.

For centuries, essential oils have been used for healing, medicinal properties, meditation, prayer, and relaxation. Today, we realize these same regenerative, healing, soothing, and aromatic benefits when essential oils are inhaled, diffused, ingested, or applied topically to the skin.  


When used correctly and safely, essential oils have psychological and physical benefits.  

Essential oils can positively affect our emotions and moods, help with stress, mild anxiety, sleep quality, and so much more. 


Aromatic Use - This means you are smelling the essential oils. Using essential oils this way is the best for emotional support. 


Topical Use - This is done by diluting the oils with other ingredients such as carrier oils, then applying them to the skin. Essential oils can be diluted in all types of inexpensive ingredients. 

You should ensure that you use pure essential oils, free of fillers, to experience maximum results. 


When we smell an essential oil, we have what’s called an olfactory response. The essential oil travels through the olfactory system and reaches the limbic part of the brain. The brain’s limbic area is considered one of the oldest parts of the brain known to connect with emotions and memory. Therefore, using essential oils aromatically can positively benefit when dealing with our emotions. 

In addition, lipid-soluble substances, such as essential oils, can cross the blood-brain barrier and rapidly affect the brain. There is much research linking the effects of essential oils to producing calming, feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain.  

Not only does the aroma of the natural essential oil stimulate the brain to trigger a reaction, but when inhaled into the lungs, the natural constituents (naturally occurring chemicals) can supply therapeutic benefits. Diffusing eucalyptus essential oil to help ease congestion is a prominent example. 

However, essential oils can have consequences if not used correctly and safely, but don’t let false marketing hype scare you away from the benefits of holistic aromatherapy. 

Using essential oils aromatically may help calm the mind and promote relaxation, elevate mood, support healthy sleep habits, enhance our self-image, and enhance our focus and performance at work. 

When it comes to using essential oils for mood, remember that aromatherapy can be used as an active treatment, for example, when you’re dealing with an anxiety attack. Still, it also is used as a preventative. 

Stress and the Body 

When we hear the word stress, most of us will respond negatively right away. However, not all stress is bad. Sometimes stress helps us perform at our best, keeps us safe, and gives us courage. However, too much stress can be seriously detrimental to us physically and emotionally and lead to anxiety, depression, anger, and addiction. In a typical stress response, our bodies sense the stressor or danger and goes into “fight or flight” mode. 

Different hormones and neurotransmitters are secreted from the body and can cause this reaction to take place in a mere matter of seconds. Once the threat has passed, other hormones and neurotransmitters are released to help us calm down and come back to our natural state. 


When dealing with too much stress, or stress over a prolonged period, our body can lose the ability to calm down and return to normal, leading us into a world of anxiety, depression, and sickness. 

Stress also plays a significant role in our immunity. When under large amounts of stress, our body loses the ability to make pathogen fighting cells as quickly and efficiently as normal circumstances, leaving our immune system weakened and prone to infections and illness and leaving us sick for more extended periods.  


Essential oils are commonly used during times of stress and in supporting emotions, among other positive benefits that essential oils can have. When you’re incorporating essential oils into your lifestyle to help with anxiety and depression, you will likely notice some other very positive effects. 


It is important to note that perfume oils, also known as fragrance oils (usually listed as “fragrance” on an ingredient label), are not the same as essential oils. Fragrance oils and perfume oils contain synthetic chemicals and do not provide the therapeutic benefits of essential oils.  


If you are looking for aromatherapy benefits, you should ensure the product does not contain fragrance oils or chemical components.  


There are numerous products on the market containing fragrance oils marketed as aromatherapeutic. It is important to look at the ingredient label when seeking authentic aromatherapy products. 


Products that state they are ‘Made with Essential Oils’ or ‘Made with Natural Ingredients, may only contain a small quantity to support the claim. Therefore, when buying products with this label, it is essential to check all ingredients listed are, in fact, natural.  


Our selection of essential oils has expanded from our ancient ancestors as distillation and pressing processes continue to grow in sophistication. Although CO2 extracts and absolutes are not steam distilled, essential oil is used as a blanket term to include all-natural plant oils, including CO2s and absolutes. 


Essential oils can be blended to create appealing and complex aromas. Additionally, essential oils can be used for specific potential therapeutic purposes. Essential oils blended for a particular therapeutic purpose within the scope of aromatherapy may be referred to as essential oil synergy.  

A synergistic essential oil blend is more significant in total action than each oil working independently. 


The History

of Aromatherapy



When we are looking at helping with anxiety, the therapeutic goals of our essential oils are to relieve mild anxiety, decrease stress, and decrease the muscle tension that comes along with anxiety. 

We also want to encourage relaxed, deep breathing, which is also key to modulating anxiety. You may also want to address physical symptoms that come with anxiety, such as trouble sleeping, nausea, and fatigue. 

  • Bergamot 

  • Sweet Orange 

  • Lavender 

  • Chamomile 

  • Valerian 

  • Sweet Marjoram 

  • Vetiver 

  • Basil 

  • Patchouli 

  • Rose 

  • Ylang Ylang 

  • Cedarwood 

  • Cypress 

  • Frankincense 

  • Jasmine 

  • Lemon 

  • Lime 

  • Neroli  

  • Petitgrain 

  • Melissa 

  • Palmarosa 

  • Sandalwood 


When dealing with anxiety and mild depression, our goal is to provide emotional support, relieving certain symptoms associated with nervous tension and depression. Essential oils commonly used include: 

  • Lavender 

  • Basil 

  • Bergamot 

  • Chamomile 

  • Clary Sage 

  • Cypress 

  • Frankincense 

  • Geranium 

  • Jasmine 

  • Lemon 

  • Mandarin 

  • Sweet Marjoram 

  • May Chang 

  • Melissa 

  • Neroli 

  • Peppermint 

  • Pine 

  • Rose 

  • Rosemary 

  • Sandalwood 

  • Tangerine 

  • Ylang Ylang


Sometimes our emotions, like worry and fear, can make it difficult to sleep at night. Without a good night’s sleep, our emotions can be affected. Some essential oils that can soothe emotions and help you sleep include: 

  • Bergamot 

  • Roman Chamomile 

  • Lavender 

  • Lemon 

  • Sweet Marjoram 

  • Neroli 

  • Petitgrain 

  • Sweet Orange 

  • Valerian 

  • Sandalwood 



  • Bergamot 

  • Cypress 

  • Grapefruit 

  • Jasmine 

  • Orange 

  • Rosemary 


Emotional fatigue can leave you feeling lifeless. Try one of these stimulating essential oils so you can be present in the moment and productive. 

  • Basil 

  • Bergamot 

  • Clary Sage 

  • Frankincense 

  • Ginger 

  • Grapefruit 

  • Jasmine 

  • Lemon  

  • Patchouli 

  • Peppermint 

  • Rosemary 

  • Sandalwood 


Memories and emotions have a strong connection. These five essential oils listed are known to assist memory. 

  • Basil 

  • Cypress 

  • Lemon 

  • Peppermint 

  • Rosemary 



  • Bergamot 

  • Roman Chamomile 

  • Clary Sage 

  • Frankincense 

  • Grapefruit 

  • Jasmine 

  • Lavender 

  • Lemon 

  • Orange 

  • Rose 

  • Sandalwood 

  • Ylang Ylang 


Essential oils are highly concentrated, and they can be harmful if not used carefully. 

Implementing aromatherapy into your lifestyle should not cause undue worry, but it is important to learn about, understand and heed essential oil safety. By doing so, you will be well on your way to safely enjoying the many benefits that essential oils can offer. 

These safety guidelines are intended as a helpful introduction when using essential oils and are more about the use of essential oils topically. Therefore, these essential oil safety guidelines should not be considered a complete reference for the proper use of essential oils. 


It is safest to consult with a qualified medical or aromatherapy practitioner before implementing essential oils into your lifestyle, most notably when used undiluted or directly applied on your skin. If you encounter any irritation or reaction, discontinue the use of essential oils immediately.  

Certain essential oils are not suitable for aromatherapy. These include Wormwood, pennyroyal, onion, camphor, horseradish, wintergreen, rue, bitter almond, and sassafras. These essential oils should only be used by qualified aromatherapy practitioners, if ever at all.  


Over time, essential oils can oxidize and become more sensitive and irritative. Therefore, avoid using old or improperly stored essential oils for therapeutic applications.  


Essential oils do not stay mixed with water for long periods and should never be mixed with bathwater without being diluted first. As some essential oils present a higher risk of irritation, these oils should be avoided in baths even once diluted.  

Avoid using essential oils near the genitals, mouth, nose, eyes and ears; essential oils should never be used undiluted on the skin.  

During pregnancy, certain essential oils should be avoided. The same goes for specific health conditions including asthma, and epilepsy.  


Never let children use essential oils without the presence of an adult who has knowledge of their use. Treat essential oils like medicines or poison in unknowing hands.  


Essential oils should not be taken internally without guidance by a qualified practitioner or until you have gained adequate knowledge and understanding of the risks and safe internal applications and dosages. 


The same essential oils and blends that we use on ourselves are not always safe to use on our dogs, cats, birds, or other pets. 


Essential oils should be diffused sensibly. Diffusing should occur in a well-ventilated space, with breaks in use occurring regularly.   


Some essential oils can cause irritation or allergic reactions, especially on sensitive skin. Before using essential oils for the first time, we recommended a patch test on a small skin area.  


Be sure to research/review essential oil safety precautions before use. 


Pregnancy is a joyful, rewarding, and life-changing experience. But it also comes with important decisions to make and some not so pleasant side effects. 


It is important to remember that while essential oils can be safe to use while pregnant, it is crucial to remember a few special considerations.  


First, it’s important to choose your essential oils with care. Select a reputable essential oil provider that delivers pure, high-quality, therapeutic-grade essential oils, emphasizing scientific testing and responsible sourcing. The best essential oils are 100% plant-derived without fillers or by-products. 


Always exercise caution with essential oil use, specifically during the flurry of development that occurs in your first trimester. Additionally, avoid the essential oils listed in the section below. 


Finally, pregnant women should avoid ingesting and topically applying essential oils throughout pregnancy. Instead, try inhaling essential oils. If you elect to apply essential oils to your skin, make sure they’re diluted with a carrier oil and test a small area of your skin for sensitivity before general use. 


Essential oils can help with some conditions, such as morning sickness and nausea, but before using essential oils during pregnancy, speak to a health care professional to ensure essential oils are safe for you. 


Essential Oils That Are Deemed Safe To Use During Pregnancy 


Many non-toxic essential oils are approved for use during pregnancy and can help combat some of the more unpleasant but common pregnancy symptoms.  


Here’s a list of pregnancy-safe essential oils and their uses to get you started. 

  • Combat Morning Sickness and Nausea 

  • Cardamom 

  • Ginger 

  • Promote Calm, Relaxation, and a good night’s sleep 

  • Frankincense 

  • German or Roman Chamomile 

  • Lavender 

  • Neroli

  • Petitgrain

  • Rose or Rosewood 

  • Uplift Your Mood 

  • Geranium 

  • Lemon 

  • Patchouli 

  • Sandalwood 

  • Wild Orange  

Essential Oils To AVOID During Pregnancy 


Although there are many benefits to essential oil use during pregnancy, certain oil types and application methods should be handled with care or avoided. 


The following essential oils should be avoided during pregnancy: 

  • Aniseed 

  • Basil 

  • Birch 

  • Camphor 

  • Clary Sage 

  • Hyssop 

  • Lemon Tea Tree 

  • May Chang 

  • Melissa 

  • Mugwort 

  • Oak Moss 

  • Parley Seed or Leaf 

  • Pennyroyal 

  • Peppermint 

  • Rosemary 

  • Rue 

  • Sage 

  • Tansy 

  • Tarragon 

  • Thuja 

  • Thyme 

  • Wintergreen 

  • Wormwood 


Fragrances are the most complex ingredients in a candle. Fragrances are composed of natural, naturally-derived, and synthetic ingredients. Nourish The Soul only uses natural fragrances that are phthalate-free.  


You may notice colours changes in our products. This is a result of using only natural ingredients. At Nourish the Soul, we do not use any manufactured dyes in our products.  


Nourish The Soul uses premium-quality essential oils sourced from ethical and responsible sources. We only offer 100% pure essential oils, absolute oils and C02 oils and can provide further details on the oils used in our candle range if requested. When inhaled, essential oils can interact with the limbic system. The limbic system is linked to our mood, emotions, and so much more, so they contain the unique ability to affect your emotional state and mood positively. 


Essential oils can be used alone or blended for aromatic therapy. Combining or blending essential oils is complex and involves selecting oils that complement one another in chemistry, activity, and direction. The number of essential oils used in each blend and their active components, the significance of ratios and the complex relationships between components in essential oils to formulate each blend result in a synergy of essential oils with similar or complementary properties. When the result of the formula has an aromatic, therapeutic benefit, this is referred to as a synergistic blend.  


Developing bespoke blends or synergies are an ‘Individual Prescription” or IP. These complex compositions, their exact components, and each oils percentage toward the total end fragrance (its IP) is proprietary information. However, we share the information required to understand the fragrance and any essential oil cautions.  


*If you have health concerns or may be pregnant, please consult your health care professional 


We use an extensive range of premium quality essential oils and natural fragrances. Our essential oil blends or synergies have multiple essential oils, and the cost is exceedingly higher than a synthetic fragrance. 


The price of each scent is determined by its components, so some of the more unique and complex fragrances and synergies can be far more expensive to develop. As a result, our candles are priced not just by size but also by the components of its final fragrance. Remembering these are not just a fragrance, but pure essential oils blends and aromatherapy synergies.  


Nourish The Soul offers aromatherapy oils obtained using four different methods. Each method produces oils that are slightly different.  



The most common way essential oils are produced is through steam distillation.  

In steam distillation, plant material is placed in a still. Water is added, then heat is applied to the unit. As water heats, plants release their essential oil. The oil rises with steam droplets that are sucked into a pipe. The oil and water (hydrosol) are joined and then separated. 



For the solvent extraction method, a solvent is combined with plant material. The solvent draws the oil out of the plant material, and the solvent and oil are then carefully separated. Oils produced from solvent extraction are referred to as “absolute oils”.  

Certain plant materials are better suited for solvent extraction, such as flower petals. Steam distillation and cold pressing can be detrimental to delicate flowers, producing an undesirable aroma or lesser quality oil. In some cases, solvent extraction also produces more oil than other production methods. 



CO2 oils use supercritical carbon dioxide to extract oil from plant material. But what does that mean?  

Supercritical CO2 refers to carbon dioxide that is pressurized into the density of a liquid. As chemical solvents extract oil from plant material, supercritical CO2 acts as the solvent. However, unlike chemical solvents, which must be carefully separated from the oils they produce, carbon dioxide is separated from the oil by simply being returned to its gaseous state. 



As with solvent extraction, certain plants are better suited for cold pressing, like citrus fruits. Citrus can be challenging to steam distil because they produce non-volatile particles (like natural waxes) and clog the still in steam distillation.  

Cold-pressed citrus also generally produces a more desirable aroma in oils. This is because the phototoxic furanocoumarins that occur naturally in particular citrus fruits remain intact in the cold-pressed oil. In steam distillation, the furanocoumarins are filtered out. 

A cold press works by pricking the citrus rinds, causing the essential oil to be released. Some fruit juice is also released in the process. The oil and juice then drip down into a container and are separated in a centrifuge. 



Essential oils and absolutes from the same plant can have characteristics and chemical makeups that vary slightly or vary a lot.  

Steam distillation produces volatile essential oils made up of smaller molecules which may dissipate quickly when exposed to air. On the other hand, solvent extraction produces oils with heavier molecules–therefore, many absolutes are often thicker than essential oils. Because of this, specific molecules that naturally occur in plants are too large and therefore do not appear in the oils that steam distillation produces, but they will appear in absolute oils. 





Aromatherapy uses essential oils and other natural aromatics for physical, psychological 

and spiritual well-being.  

 Essential oils are a class of evaporative aromatic oils derived from plants.

The oils are responsible for providing plants with their characteristic smells.

They are also responsible for delivering the plant’s distinctive smell, attracting beneficial organisms, repelling harmful parasites,

and helping the plant reproduce, regenerate, and heal.  

Esseta Oil Bottles surrouded by leaves

With the use of pure plant extracts and essential oils, we guarantee our products will leave you feeling drenched in the beauty of nature. 

Essential oil aroma molecules are tiny and are why they are aromatic. They are so small they can leap into the air and readily be detected as a smell.


Once inhaled, they travel via the olfactory nerve to the limbic system in our brain, where our emotional reactions, memories, stress, and hormone balance are controlled, so they contain the unique ability to affect your emotional state positively. Therefore, our aromatherapy synergies can have positive and beneficial effects on our state of mind and support our emotional well-being. 


It is important to note that perfume oils, also known as fragrance oils (usually listed as “fragrance” on an ingredient label), are not the same as essential oils. 

Fragrance oils and perfume oils contain synthetic chemicals and do not provide the therapeutic benefits of essential oils. 

Essential Oil


Use of

essential oils



Of course, there are other emotional issues that we might deal with that could benefit from aromatherapy support. For example, certain essential oils, such as Bergamot, Ginger and Grapefruit, can help to increase confidence, while others, such as Lemongrass and Basil, can help with issues dealing with focus. 


No matter what kind of emotional issues you are dealing with, the most critical factor to consider when looking to essential oils for emotional support is that you also like the scent of the oils.

If you are trying to force yourself to use essential oils that you do not like the smell of just because you heard it was suitable for a specific time you might be going through, all you are doing is adding more stress to your body. Instead, stick with oils that are pleasing to you, and you may achieve better results. 


Everyone has their favourite type or family of fragrances, from citrus and fruity, to floral or earthy. 


The following information will help you understand essential oil fragrance, mood and their overlapping family groups. 






There is a deep connection between our sense of smell and our emotions. Therefore, aroma-therapeutic scents have the potential to provide very positive and beneficial effects to our state of mind by supporting our emotional wellbeing. 

Each blend is complex and offers a harmonious symphony of top, middle and base notes to create a complete aromatic experience.

Our aromas have been created with a combination of premium quality Certified Organic and Conventional 100% Pure Essential oils. 


Aroma families can also be distinguished by their primary “notes.” Top, Middle, or Base notes. Some oils can have multiple notes, which can give them a deep, full-bodied, and seemingly luxurious quality; however, oils are largely characterized by a sole defining note that overrides the others. 

The reason that an oil blend changes over time, is because the Essential Oils that it comprises each have varying degrees of volatility, meaning they all have different rates of evaporation, and it is the evaporation of each oil in its own time that causes a fluctuation in the strength of the scent. 




This is the initial perceptible scent in an aroma blend and is usually the one fragrance that stands out to give the scent its distinctive essence. However, despite the powerful and intense quality that makes it the first detected smell, it is also the first to fade quickly. 

  • Bright 

  • Refreshing 

  • Cheery 

  • Clarifying 

  • Inspiring and heartening 

  • Energising 

  • Anise 

  • Basil

  • Bay

  • Cardamom

  • Citrus oils

  • Cypress

  • Eucalyptus

  • Hyssop 

  • Mint oils 

  • Petitgrain 

  • Pine 

  • Rosemary 

  • Sage 

  • Vanilla Oleoresin  

  • Black Pepper (top/mid) 

  • Fennel (top/mid) 

The oils with the smallest molecules are the Top notes, and are the first to evaporate.

They are the first scent to be detected and the first to dissipate. 





These 'Heart' notes become noticeable just as Top notes fade. Smooth and soft, Middle notes unify the Top and Base notes, helping to reduce the intensity of any piercing scents and promote a roundedness to an aroma, making them softer. These notes are generally more enduring than Top notes. 

  • Balancing 

  • Warming 

  • Grounding 

  • Cajeput 

  • Chamomile 

  • Cinnamon 

  • Clove Bud 

  • Eucalyptus Lemon 

  • Geranium 

  • Ho Wood  

  • Jasmine 

  • Spruce 

  • Juniper Berry 

  • Marjoram 

  • Myrtle 

  • Niaouli 

  • Nutmeg (top/mid) 

  • Palmarosa 

  • Rose Absolute  

  • Ginger (mid/base) 

  • Myrrh (mid/base) 

  • Lavender (mid/base) 

The majority of essential oils are Middle notes which reveal their scents gradually and help to integrate the Top and Base notes for a harmonious fragrance. 





Base notes emerge after the Heart/Middle notes and are the longest-lasting scent in a blend. Base notes often have solid and provocative aromas with earthy nuances and ascend gradually, remaining for a longer time than the other notes, all the while helping to reduce the rate of the other oils' evaporation and subsequently enabling the fragrance of a blend to persist. 

  • Calming 

  • Emotionally grounding and soothing 

  • Relaxing 

  • Lend a richer aroma to blends  

  • Elemi (mid/base) 

  • Ginger (mid/base) 

  • Frankincense 

  • Patchouli  

  • Sandalwood  

  • Spikenard 

  • Vetiver  

  • Copaiba Balsam 

  • Valerian 

The oils with the largest and thus the heaviest molecules are Base notes and are the slowest or last to evaporate, thus they impart longer-lasting scents.  



The mood groupings are closely related to the function of the blend, and each mood represents the emotional state the blend will create or inspire.

Each blend has been classified by assessing its overall scent and the properties of the essential oils within the blend.  Most blends will fall under more than one mood group. 


This soothing group can help reduce tension, make you feel calm, aid sleep, aid feelings of tranquility, serenity and stress reducing. They are soothing to the nervous system. Create an atmosphere of peacefulness. 


This grouping can make you feel the synergy between your yin and yang. Feeling balanced, inner harmony, reducing extremes, and feeling more settled and grounded. 


This grouping can give a mood boost, making you feel happy, uplifted and energised. Elevating your mood and your spirits, brightening both your day and your space. Many of our fragrances categorised under other moods also fit within this uplifting mood group.


This grouping are invigorating, stimulating, inspiring and energising.

They can help with focus and elevating your mood , some are purifying and antibacterial, brightening both your day and your space. 


This grouping will make you feel happy, relaxed, affectionate and romantic. This grouping also includes essential oils that are known to be used as aphrodisiacs


Essential Oils can be classified into olfactive Families based on their aromas.


There are eight main aromatic families: Citrus, Floral, Herbaceous, Camphoraceous, Minty, Spicy, Resinous/Musky, Woody/Earthy

Whether the aroma/scent is being used to unwind and destress for improved sleep quality or to uplift the mood to create a precise ambience, Essential Oil aromas have the potential to enhance the mind, body, spirit and atmosphere.  


While it can be confusing to make a selection when faced with the vast number of Essential Oil options due to their limitless benefits, it can be easier to choose by narrowing down the options based on the characteristics of their "aroma families."  

Each Essential Oil aroma family exhibits a primary aromatic trait by which it is easily recognised (citrusy, floral) and a corresponding effect (relaxing, uplifting, etc.), which can help to readily identify the ideal essential oil blend for you and your space. 

These core aroma families also have sub-groupings in which several categories of Essential Oils can overlap and fall into several of the eight main aroma families.  

Each essential oil aroma family exhibits a primary aromatic trait that is easily recognised and has a corresponding beneficial effect, which we will refer to as the 'Fragrance Mood'.   

To identify which product would suit your desired benefits and aroma, we have included the eight aromatic families and their corresponding benefits with further detail to assist your decision on which product is right for you. 



Organised in the following table are 8 Aromatic Families. Some Essential Oils with complex aromas make their classification somewhat subjective. For example, Woody and Earthy aromas could be separated as some of the woods are relatively fresh and sweet while other oils in this category smell more like damp earth or the forest floor. Essential Oils that could be grouped are camphoraceous and minty as they can have a more similar profile. Other oils could see them placed into different groups or even more than one group.

This information is a subjective guide to understanding aromas and understanding the essential oil mood groups. 

The table below outlines the most popular groupings of Essential Oils; please keep in mind that many oils have more than one prevailing aroma and note. 





These light oils often have fruity scents characteristic of the rinds from which they are extracted. They can be tangy or tart, fresh, clean, vibrant, refreshing, exciting, energising, and uplifting.

  • Lemon 

  • Orange 

  • Grapefruit 

  • Bergamot 

  • Lime 

  • Tangerine 

  • Citronella 

  • Lemongrass 

  • Mandarin 

  • Litsea Cubeba 

  • Energizing 

  • Uplifting 

  • Emotionally balancing to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety 

  • Refreshing 

  • Deodorizing 

  • Stimulating for mental and spiritual vigour Cleansing; popular addition to antibacterial oil blends 

Most often top notes 






These scents are often reminiscent of the flowers from which they are extracted and can be described as feminine, powdery, subtle, and modest. At the same time, other more tropical florals offer a sweeter, indulgent and robust aroma. Both are comforting, romantic, and mood-boosting.  

The sweet-smelling floral aroma can create feelings of cheerfulness. Floral scents are considered classic and timeless. 

  • Chamomile 

  • Lavender 

  • Rose 

  • Geranium 

  • Rosewood Petitgrain 

  • Jasmine 

  • Magnolia 

  • Ylang-Ylang 

  • Neroli 

  • Comforting 

  • Promotes rest 

  • Sometimes sleep-inducing 

  • Mood balancing 

Most often middle notes 






Essential oils with herbaceous scents can be further described as smelling green or grassy. These Essential Oils often have mild floral yet invigorating spring-like scents associated with lush, wet foliage. They are reminiscent of the aroma of fresh leaves, moss, mown grass, herbs, and trees. 

  • Chamomile 

  • Clary Sage 

  • Eucalyptus Radiata 

  • Fennel 

  • Marjoram

  • Rosemary 

  • Thyme 

  • Oregano 

  • Bay Laurel 

  • Catnip 

  • Tea Tree

  • Calming 

  • Promotes positivity 

  • Encouraging 

  • Emotionally balancing 

  • Grounding 

Most often middle notes 






These Essential Oils have strong scents and are beneficial for clearing the respiratory system due to their clarifying, penetrating, energising, purifying, and almost medicinal aroma. They're intensely aromatic, stimulating, vitalising, and contain a good amount of cineole.

  • Camphor 

  • Cajeput 

  • Eucalyptus 

  • Camphor 

  • Cajeput 

  • Eucalyptus 

  • Stimulating 

  • Refreshing 

  • Focus-enhancing 

Most often Middle Notes 






Essential Oils with a minty scent are strongly scented much like those in the Camphoraceous Family. and are distinctly known for their bracing, fresh, uplifting, refreshing fragrances.

  • Spearmint 

  • Wintergreen 

  • Peppermints 


  • Motivating 

  • Cooling 

  • Invigorating 

  • Mentally clarifying 

Can be Top, Middle, or Base Notes 






These Essential Oils have warm, intense aromas that are often described as exotic, while some are described as balsamic, which mean they tend to have a rich earthy note with a slightly sweet tone. Their strong scents are commonly used to stimulate energy and focus. Aldehyde and phenol rich with a therapeutic quality to them .

  • Aniseed 

  • Basil 

  • Black Pepper 

  • Cardamom 

  • Cinnamon 

  • Coriander

  • Cumin 

  • Ginger 

  • Nutmeg 

  • Allspice 

  • Cassia 

  • Clove Bud

  • Bracing 

  • Rousing 

  • Crisp and penetrating 

  • Lively 

Middle or Base Notes 






These Essential Oils exude deep, rich scents that are smoky, woody, earthy, sweet, leather-like, and warm. Their mellow, alluring, and long-lasting fragrances lend a reassuring quality, promoting inner calm, making them ideal for use in spiritual practices. 

  • Benzoin 

  • Elemi 

  • Frankincense 

  • Myrrh 

  • Peru Balsam 


  • Promotes relaxation and sense of inner calm 

  • Emotionally balancing 

  • Grounding   

  • Uplifting 

  • Known to be used for intimacy enhancement 

  • Tend to be associated with a relaxed feeling 

Middle  or Base Notes 






These Essential Oils have warm, lingering scents, with the more earthy scent being deeper, sultry notes, while other woody oils offer a fresher, almost sweet and balsamic aroma. 

They are often described as an earthy smell as these oils are reminiscent of the scents of a forest floor or damp soil (for example, Patchouli & Vetiver). Their fragrances are musky, comforting, and sensual.  

Their alluring, seductive, and hypnotic qualities create an atmosphere of mystery and are enjoyed by both men and women. 

  • Cypress 

  • Juniper Berry 

  • Cedarwood 

  • Pine 

  • Fir 

  • Palo Santo

  • Rosewood 

  • Patchouli 

  • Vetiver 

  • Valerian 

  • Carrot Seed 

  • Grounding 

  • Uplifting 

  • Emotionally balancing   

  • Promote feelings of comfort, security, and wellbeing 

  • Often considered to be aphrodisiacs 

Mostly Middle or  Base Notes 



Still unsure which Aroma is for you? Please don't discount your intuition., if you keep coming back to a particular fragrance or candle that gets stuck in your mind, trust your intuition as your mind, body, or spirit may just be needing something you aren't yet aware of.  

 NOTE: The information contained at is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

The information contained at is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

We strongly advise you consult with your medical practitioner or other licensed healthcare professional before implementing essential oils into your lifestyle; most importantly when being used undiluted and directly applied on your skin, using around young children, if pregnant, or if you have any allergies. 


Discontinue using an essential oil or essential oil blend immediately if you encounter any irritation or reaction.

Avoid using essential oils near the genitals, mouth, nose, eyes and ears.


The same essential oils that we use ourselves are not always safe to use around animals/pets.


DO NOT attempt to self-diagnose or prescribe any natural substances for health conditions that may require professional attention or medication.


If you have a medical condition or suspect that you have an undiagnosed medical condition, an injury or if you are pregnant, nursing, or planning to become pregnant consult with your medical practitioner or other licensed healthcare professional before using essential oils.

Keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets.

Essential Oil

important cautions


All information contained herein is for general information purposes only, and is not intended to substitute advice given by a medical practitioner or other licensed healthcare professional, nor is it intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure medical conditions or diseases.

If you rely upon information made available by Nourish The Soul for decision making without obtaining the advice of a medical professional, you do so at your own risk. Nourish The Soul does not accept any responsibility or liability in any way.